Today we very gratefully received a donation of wood chippings from our friendly Tynemouth Tree Surgeons. We have been busy removing some of the old chippings from the hen run and have used them as a base layer in our new flower bed. We barrowed in the wood-chip and the hens have spent a happy afternoon scratching around in the run.
Thank you Tynemouth Tree Surgeons

We also pulled up the last of the carrots from the
large veggie bed. We also found a few spring onions and some parsnips too. We are going to be planting some garlic in this bed next.
This is winter jasmine which we planted a few months ago. This afternoon we tied some of the longer stems to an arch we have over our shed door - hopefully it will start to grow up and over the arch?
An autumn tidy up - removing the pea plants from the tyre pots.
We also took down the runner bean plants, they were twisted tightly around the cane wigwams and took some untangling.
Our turnips are growing fast - do we wait for the first frost to pick these?
Picking the pumpkins and putting the pumpkin vines on the compost heap.
Some of our largest pumpkins - they are so big and heavy we are going to have to source a set of bathroom scales in school to find out how much they weigh.
Our new flower bed is getting filled up with a base layer from the hen run.
Easy Chili Chocolate Ice Cream
Today we had a go at making Chili Chocolate Ice Cream. We selected a chile from one of our chile plants - apparently this one is quite mild?
We de-seeded and chopped the chili up into smallish pieces. We decided it was a good idea to wear plastic gloves so that the chili residue didn't stay on our hands.
We put the chili in a pan with 600ml of double cream and some cocoa and heated it up gently. We were infusing the cream with the taste of the chili. We bashed the chili on the side of the pan to let out more flavour. We strained the mixture through a sieve to remove the chili and any lumps from the cocoa.
We filled a pan up with ice and cold water and put the chocolate ice cream mixture in a bowl on the top. We gently stirred it to cool the mixture down.
When the mixture was cool we carefully poured it into an ice-cream maker, switched it on and left it to churn for about 20 minutes.
After about 20 minutes, the mixture had started to freeze. We poured it into a container and put it in the freezer. At lunchtime we looked at the ice-cream and gave it a bit of a stir to break up any ice crystals. It should be ready to eat tomorrow.
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