Tuesday 24 September 2013

RHS Launch Tomorrow - and what we have been making with produce from the garden.

Tomorrow we are officially launching our project with the RHS, we are very excited about working with Sarah Carrie and have some great plans and projects to embark upon in the next few months.

We have been very busy this week harvesting our tomatoes, we have decided to gather all our outdoor tomatoes as the weather has turned a bit wet and misty.  We are going to try and ripen them indoors on trays with a few bananas to help the process along.

 We have bagged a lot of tomatoes up and put them in the freezer to make Chili Jam later in the year.  On Friday we halved some of the small tomatoes, put them on a tray with a little drizzle of olive oil, put some basil on the top and in a cool oven (about 70 degrees) we let them slowly dry out for about 4 hours.  We put them in a clean, sterilised jar and covered with more olive oil.

On Friday we gathered one of our huge marrows - it weighed 8lb 4oz.  And took pride of place in Assembly.  We used some to make Marrow and Ginger Jam.

Marrow and Ginger Jam
2lb Marrow, peeled, de-seeded and cut into small pieces
2lb sugar
About 85g root ginger, peeled and cut into small pieces
Couple of apples, peeled, cored and cut into small pieces.
Juice of half a lemon

Put everything into a pan and cook slowly until marrow is soft and the contents of the pan are 'jammy'
Seal into clean, sterilised jars.

Some of the carrots we dug up today.

Some of the beetroot too

Beetroot Bread - very interesting colour - we will see how it tastes tomorrow?

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