Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Planting out

We planted some gourds between our climbing beans - its a bit of an experiment as we don't know how much light they will get.

We planted a couple of climbing roses next to our bamboo arch.

Our asparagus which we planted last year has produced some 'ferns' - I think next year we should be able to harvest our first asparagus?

Wildflower seeds

Making some bee hotels

We hung some of our bee hotels in our little orchard

And some inside our polytunnel

The idea being to encourage bees into our poly-tunnel to pollinate our plants.

Some bean wigwams

Our little orchard.  We have not planted any wildflower seeds here this year, despite this, there are quite a few which seem to have self-seeded.

After incubating some of our duck eggs, two of our female ducks have decided to build their own nests and are sitting on an un-known number of eggs each.  Maybe we will have a few more suckling in the coming weeks?

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