Great article on the project in The Evening Chronicle today.
Also this article on North Tyneside Councils website.
A selection of vegetables that we harvested from the garden today - we made a bit of a display for the launch.
Our stall at the Launch - we managed to take over 70 pounds, which was fantastic.
One of the students removing the husks from the outside of our sweetcorn, which will not ripen anymore - the hens are in for a treat!
Our hens really enjoy sweetcorn, whenever we put it into the run the squabble over it.
Our friends from Shiremoor Allotment Association brought a more powerful strimmer to school today, so the orchard area looks a bit tidier now.
Some of the seeds the scholarship students planted last week have now germinated.
The students have been working removing all the rest of the chili plants from the poly-tunnel.
Removing the chili plants which were growing in pots - everything was put into our composting station.
Planting some violas.
Preparing the soil inside the poly-tunnel. We removed the soaker hose and any weeds and the soil has been turned and dug to prepare for cabbages.
Watering the violas.
Our globe artichokes are getting bigger - when to pick them I wonder?