We started work on our new flower bed today. First the grass was removed and the soil dug over.
Here are some of the plants we bought last week.
A wheelbarrow full of Primulas to add a bit of colour to our raised bed of spring bulbs.
We decided where to put the flowers, and used the hand tools to dig a hole for each plant. We put a small amount of manure in each hole before putting the plant in.
Planting some lavender in the new flower bed.
Planting a few flowering bedding plants to add a bit more colour.
We also acquired some more raspberry canes which will be planted with the rest of our fruit bushes in the new garden.
Watering in all of our new plants.
Our Yr 8 Art classes are going to be using this pile of tyres to add a bit of art to our garden. They are going to decorate the tyres and then we will use them to create planters for more flowers and plants.
As it was such a lovely day today, we managed to get lots of jobs done outside - here our group are digging over one of our raised beds where we grew kale and chard.
A new Hellebore, which has been planted in our spring bulbs bed, its quite shaded here so this plant should be very happy.
Some more of our spring bulbs are creeping threw the soil, yellow, purple and blue crocuses.
Some of our herbs are starting to grow back, this looks like Italian Parsley?
Some of the seeds we planted a couple of weeks ago have started to germinate and sprout through the soil.
We spotted some signs of life in the Comfrey bed too.
And a few seeds have started to sprout in our wild flower bed too - hopefully it will be as beautiful as last year.